_Internet Technology

 Assignment chap-#2

1: Explain structure of HTML.

An element called HTML surrounds the whole document. This element contains two sub-elements, HEAD and BODY. These elements are required to form any HTML document.

        <title> the First Page</Title>
    Hello world
    <HEAD> it has sub-elements that defines header material:

        <TITLE>it is a document title appears in browser's favorite or Bookmark list.

        <SCRIPT> it contains either JAVA Script or VB script.


    <BODY> The remaining HTML elements are contained within these tags.

2: Explain radio button with example.

Radio buttons allow users to select only one option.
        <INPUT TYPE ="RADIO">
Browser will display ðŸ”˜

~Radio button have the following attributes:
TYPE          :-radio
CHECKED :-is blanked or CHECKED as the initial status.
NAME         :-is the name of the variable to be sent to the CGI application.
VALUE        :-usually has a set value.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<form action="/action_page.php">
  <p>Please select your gender:</p>
  <input type="radio" id="male" name="gender" value="male">
  <label for="male">Male</label><br>
  <input type="radio" id="female" name="gender" value="female">
  <label for="female">Female</label><br>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">


3: Create a webpage which accept the student name, roll no, age and three subject marks and calculate total, average and display all info in table tag.

<TITLE>Grade Sheet</TITLE>
<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="pract11ITsub.css">
<% dim total, a, b, c, d, e, name, no, per, cl
a=request ("ict")
b=request ("oop")
c=request ("fosd")
d=request ("it")
e=request ("dm")
<% total=a + 0 + b + c + 0 + d + 0 + e + 0 + f %>
Name : <%= name %>
Enrollment Number : <%= no%>
<br> Institute : <%= cl%> </p> <hr>
<table border=1 align=center>
<th>Subject Name</th>
<th>Subject Code</th>
<td><%= a%></td>
<td><%= b%></td>
<td><%= c%></td>
<td><%= d%></td>
<td><%= e%></td>
<td colspan=2 align=right><b>Total</b></td>
<td><%= total%></td>
<% per= (total * 100)\350
response.write "Percentage "
response.write per%>
<% if per >= 70 then
response.write "Congratulations You got First Class with Distinction"
Elseif per >= 60 and per < 70 then
response.write "Congratulations You got First Class"
Elseif per >= 50 and per < 60 then
response.write "You got Second Class"
Elseif per >= 35 and per < 50 then
response.write "You got Pass Class"
response.write "Sorry you are Fail"
End if

CSS file code

border:1px solid green;

text-shadow5px 5px 5px #FF0000;text-align:center;
font-family:"Times New Roman",Georgia,Serif;

4: Create webpage which display the Fibonacci series of a given term.


HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Fibonacci Series</title>


JavaScript Code:

var fibonacci_series = function (n
  if (n===1
    return [01];
    var s = fibonacci_series(n - 1);
    s.push(s[s.length - 1] + s[s.length - 2]);
    return s;


5: Explain different type of List in HTML.

there are three type of list:--
1)Unordered List   
2) Ordered List  
3) Definition List.

1)Unordered List:- items in this list starts with a list mark such as bullet.
Browsers will usually change the list mark in nested lists.
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>

2)Ordered List:- Items in this list are numbered automatically by the browser.
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>

1)Definition List:- This kind of list is different from the others. Each item in a DL consists of one or more Definition Terms, Followed by one or more Definition Descriptions.
    <dd>Hyper text markup language</dd>
    <dd>They are better than human</dd>

6: Explain Table tag with attributes with example.

=>>The Table allows to create boundaries that make positioning easier.

It contains four sub-elements; Table Row<tr> </tr>, Table Header <th> </th>, table Header <td> </td>,  and Caption <caption> </caption>.

BGColor:- some browser support background color in table. The color you select will be expressed as a hexadecimal red-green-blue value.

Width:- You can specify the table width as an absolute number of pixels or a percentage of the document width.

Border:- The lines that form the boundary of each table cell when the file is displayed in the browser.

CellSpacing:- Cell Spacing represents the space between cells and is specified in pixels.

Cellpadding:- Cell Padding is the space between the cell border and the cell contents and is specified in pixels.

Align:- Tables can have left, right, or center alignment. To control the position of your table in your document you can use <center> or <div>.

Background:- Background image is tiled in Internet Explorer 3.0 and above.

Bordercolor:- The color of the border around the table. 

7: Differentiate GET & POST method. 

GET requests remain in the browser history
GET requests can be cached
GET requests should never be used when dealing with sensitive data
GET requests can be bookmarked

POST requests do not remain in the browser history
POST requests are never cached
POST requests have no restrictions on data length
POST requests cannot be bookmarked

8: Explain ROWSPAN & COLSPAN with suitable example 

        <CAPTION ALIGN="BOTTOM">label for my table<CAPTION>
    <TH>Column 1 Header</TH>
    <TH>Column 2 Header</TH>
    <TD> COLSPAN="2">Row 1-Col 1 </TD>
    </TD ROWSPAN="2">Row 2 - Col 1 </TD>
    <TD>Row 2 - Col 2 </TD>
    <TD>Row 3 - Col 2 </TD>

9: Explain cell spacing and cell padding with suitable example. 


10: Differentiate Static & Dynamic web pages. 

~Static Web Pages are simple in terms of complexity.
~In static web pages, Pages will remain same until someone changes it.
~In static web pages, Information are change rarely.
~.Static Web Page takes less time for loading than dynamic web page.

~Dynamic web pages are very complicated
~In dynamic web pages, Content of pages are not same for all visitors.
~In dynamic web page, Information are change frequently.
~Dynamic web page takes more time for loading.

11: Explain Text formatting tags of HTML. 

the text formatting tags of html ar e given below:-

<b> - Bold text</b>          it is used to bold text

<strong> text</strong>     it is same as bold tag

<i> - Italic text</i>        it is used to create italic tag

<em> - Emphasized text</em>       it is same as italic tag

<mark>Marked text</mark>        it is used to mark the text

<small> Smaller text</small>         it is used to create a small text than normal text

<del> - Deleted text</del>        it is used to strikethrough the text

<ins> - Inserted text</ins>        it is used to create underlined text

<sub> - Subscript text</sub> it is used to create sub text.
<sup> - Superscript text</sup>it is used to create super text.

12: Define following <FRAMESET> attributes : Bordercolor, 

Cols, Frameborder. 

Bordercolor:- The color of the border around the table. This is supported properly by Navigator 4.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0 and above.

COLS:- Determines the size and number of rectangular columns within a <FRAMESET>. They are set from left to right of the display area.
Possible values are: 
    -Absolute pixel units, i.e. "480.160"
    -A percentage of screen height, i.e.m"75%,25%"
    -Proportional values using the asterisk (*). 

Frameborder:- This element defines a single frame within a frameset. There will be a FRAME element for each division created by the FRAMESET element.

13: What is CSS? Explain its types.

=>>Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) is used to set the style in web pages that contain HTML elements. It sets the background color, font-size, font-family, color, … etc property of elements on a web page.

There are three type of CSS:--
1)Inline CSS:- the first method of adding style to a web page is to use the style attribute of a selected element.by using above syntax:-
                <element style="property:value; property:value;..."> </element>    

2)Embedded CSS:-To use an embedded style sheet, you define a style  block ,which should be a placed in the <HEAD> section of the document.

3)Linked style CSS:- The easiest method for adding style to multiple HTML document is to use Linked Style Sheets .

A linked style sheet is a separate file that contains all of the style information.

14: Explain checkbox with example. 

=>>The checkbox is shown as a square box that is ticked (checked) when activated.
The <input type="checkbox"> defines a checkbox.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <input type="checkbox" >
  <label > I have a bike</label>

15: Create a webpage which display the factorial of number 7. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style = "text-align: center; font-size: 20px;">
<h1> Welcome to the javaTpoint.com </h1>
Enter a number: <input id = "num">
<button onclick = "fact()"> Factorial </button>
<p id = "res"></p>
function fact(){
var inumf;
f = 1;
num = document.getElementById("num").value;
for(i = 1i <= numi++)  
f = f * i;
i = i - 1;  
document.getElementById("res").innerHTML = "The factorial of the number " + i + " is: " + f ;

16: Write the appropriate tags for following uses and give 

example of each. Head and body, text style bold, italic, underline,

font color, size, Paragraph, heading, list. 

Head :--<head> head part of the html is here   </head>

Body :--<body>  body of html is here </body>

Bold :--<b> bold text here  </b>

Italic:-- <i>  italic text is here </i>

Underline:--<ins> underlined text is here </ins>

Font color <FONT COLOR = "#RRGGBB"> this text has color </FONT>

Font size :--<FONT SIZE ="+2> two sizes bigger</FONT>

Paragraph <p> paragraph is here lorem 30 </p>

Heading <h1>  heading is here </h1>  (there were 6 type of headings h1,...h6,).

List:-- <ol>
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>

17: Create two webpages and link them with hyperlink. 


First webpage:--  save it as form 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>adding two webpages</title>
  this is first webpage

  <A HREF = "form2.html">second webpage</A>

Second webpage:--  save it as form 2
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>second webpage</title>
<p>this is second webpage</p>

18: Explain HTML Form object with example.

=>>the firm object represents an HTML form. For each <form> tag in an HTML document, a Form object is created.

HTML forms works in all browsers and they are platform Independent.

<title>sample form</title>

<body bgcolor="FFFFFF">
    <form action="https://homemadestudy.blogspot.com/">
        First Name:
        <input type="text" name="fname" maxlength="50">
        Last Name:
        <input type="text" name="lname" maxlength="50">
        <input type="submit" Name"submit1" value="send info">
