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Assignment-4 Fundamental of Software Development

Fundamental of software development

1) Explain Code walkthrough.

=>> A walkthrough is a term describing the review process at an abstract level. 
It is an informal code analysis technique. 
The first approach walkthrough is well defined by Yourdon. The term is often used in the software industry to describe the process of inspecting algorithms and source code to find out logical error (after eliminating syntax error) by following paths through the algorithms or code as determined by input conditions.
The purpose of such code walkthroughs is generally to provide assurance of the fitness for purpose of the algorithm or code; and occasionally assess the output of an individual or team.

2) Explain code inspection

It is verification approach that can be applied to coding for detecting faults Once the code is written for a module, it is first verified before it is used by other Inspection was started for detecting faults in code, and was later applied for design, requirements etc Code inspection is usually held after code has been compiled and other tools are applied The results are usually compared to specified requirements and standards for determining whether the coding approach is in line with requirements.
Code inspection team includes the programmers, designers and testers Inspection requires more preparation for the review participants. So it tends be very expensive as it uses time of many people. Benefits include a more systematic review of the software and a more controlled and less stressed meeting.

3) what is code inspection? how it differs from code walkthrough? list out some common errors which can be checked during code inspection?

There are many variations of inspections, but all includes some form of a checklist that guides the preparation of review participants. Inspections for the work product are also characterized by precise entry and exit requirements.
Another noticeable thing is that an inspection process is involves the collections of the data that can be used to feedback on the quality of the development and review processes as well as influence future validation techniques on the software.

4)Explain what kind of purposes can be served by good software documentation? Also, specify main difference between internal documentation and external documentation

Communication is classified into two categories: written and oral. Document is written type of communication. It ranges from code analysis to functional specifications, user manuals and project plans.
The documentation section describes each of the work products produced as part of the software process. These include:
Project documents 
Technical documents 
User documents 
Internal documentation is written in a program as comments while External documentation is written in a place where people who need to use the software can read about how to use the software.

5)write short node on unit testing.

This is the first level of testing called Unit testing. Initially tests focus on each component individually, ensuring that it functions properly as an independent unit In this, different modules are tested individually Unit testing is essentially for the verification of the code produced during the coding phase. So, its main goal is to test the internal logic of the modules. And this is done by programmer.
One purpose of testing is to find as many as errors in the software and remove it.

6) Explain white box testing in brief.

Out of two approach of testing, white box testing is concerned with testing the implementation of program. The intent of this testing is not to exercise all the different input and output condition but to exercise the different internal programming structure and data structure used in program. That's why it is also called structural testing. It is also known as glass box testing. Using white box testing, tester can derive test cases that,
Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised
at least once Exercise all decision whether it is true or false.
Execute all paths within their bounds and their boundaries. Exercise internal data structure to ensure their validity.

7) Differenciate black box testing and white box testing.

Black box testing:-
it can be done by software testers
it is not necessary to have knowledge of implementation.
it is reffered as external testing of software
it is known as functional test of software
White Box testing:-
it can be done by software developers
here knowledge of implementation is required 
it is reffered as internal testing of software
it is known as structural test of software.

8) Explain Test documentation.

Test documentation is the fundamental element which describes any try out or experimental activities to the proper test level. Even if the way of testing is good, if it not documented it is worthless. It is test plan and related evidence of testing which including reading simple inputs from a file and writing test cases to file.
A documentation generated at the end of testing is the test summary report. This report normally covers each subsystem and represents a summary of test cases which have been applied to the subsystems. It will specify following cases.
How many tests have been applied to a subsystem?
How many tests have been successful or unsuccessful?
The degree to which they have been successful or unsuccessful,
Whether a test was an absolute fail or whether some of the expected results of the test were actually observed?

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